It is always our aim to provide an exceptionally high level of service to all of our customers. We aim to resolve all complaints as quickly as possible. If it is not possible to reach a prompt conclusion, we will contact the customer with an explanation and expected timescales.
If you have a complaint
To help us investigate and resolve your issue as quickly as possible, we ask you to contact us by email or in writing. The most appropriate person will handle your complaint in the quickest possible time.
Complaints contact details:
PSD Vehicle Rental,
555 Prescot Road,
St Helens,
WA10 3BZ
What information do we need to address your complaint?
To assist us in resolving your complaint efficiently we would require the following information:
- Full name and preferred contact details
- Vehicle Registration Number
- Rental Agreement number or rental dates
- Full details of the complaint
- Relevant photographic evidence relating to damage/defects
- Your expectations
- Any other information you think may be relevant
**Please note – if you appoint a third party to act on your behalf we will require your written consent to discuss the complaint with them. This can be in writing to the above address or from your personal email* address**
Complaint Process
- We will give you the name and title of the person handling your complaint
- We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing (using the same method of correspondence, letter or email) within 5 working days
- We will seek clarification on any points where necessary
- We will fully investigate your complaint with staff and third parties where relevant
- We will keep you informed and fully updated on progress
- We will discuss with you our findings and proposed course of action.
Under this section we will send you a Summary Resolution Communication. This written communication confirms that you have made a complaint and informs you that we now consider the complaint to have been resolved to your satisfaction.
If you subsequently decide that you are dissatisfied with the resolution of the complaint you may be able to refer the complaint back to us for further consideration. Alternatively you can refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service or the BVRLA Conciliation Service (depending of the type/nature of complaint)
Refer to the following for the availability of further information:
Non-financial complaints can be directed to Trading Standards.
- Correspondence sent via email must contain the senders name and address in the body of the email to be accepted. It is assumed that this is your signature of consent.